Government gives badgers a reprieve
The Wildlife Trusts delighted that vaccination gets priority in the fight against bovine tuberculosis
Today the Government set out the next phase of their strategy to combat bovine…
The Wildlife Trusts delighted that vaccination gets priority in the fight against bovine tuberculosis
Today the Government set out the next phase of their strategy to combat bovine…
Heatwaves can spell trouble for our freshwater habitats, as The Wildlife Trusts’ Water Policy Manager Ali Morse explains.
Whilst understanding the need to build new homes, The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country are strongly opposed to any new development that will have significant negative impacts on…
Today the Wildlife Trust submitted our response to a planning application for a residential development in Saltwells Local Nature Reserve.
We are opposed to the development as this lies…
Government proposals must trigger change on 70% of land
Today the Government publishes the Agriculture Bill. The recovery of wildlife in the UK – one of the most nature-depleted countries…
Birmingham and Black Country's 586 Local Wildlife Sites covering 4778ha are at risk of future development. #ActSwiftly to save our local wildlife.
To celebrate 100 years since some women got the vote, Birmingham City Council are publishing a book featuring Birmingham women who shaped our city. We’re nominating Joy Fifer MBE and here’s why……
The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country has joined with local partners to call on West Midlands Mayoral candidates to pledge their support for a 25 year strategy for nature.