News: Guest Author


Michael Parkes in his favourite wild space

Giving the gift of wildlife to future generations

After ten years of membership with the Trust and retirement approaching, Michael Parkes is not only looking forward to volunteering with the Trust when he has more time, but has also made the…

Natural Rivers and Green Corridors Team

Wins in the Willows

A touch of irony here: in the week that leaving the EU is dominating the news again, Birmingham City Council has announced their success in securing European Regional Development Funding (ERDF) to…

plastic ring around duck neck in canal

Trouble Ahead - Peter Shirley, Vice Chair

According to a recent UN report, based on thousands of studies of land, sea and freshwater life, a million species of plants, insects, birds and animals are threatened with extinction in the next…

Child meditating in field

Mental Health & Nature - Dominique - Volunteer

As it is Mental Health Awareness Week, it is important to realise how widespread mental ill health is, and how it can be reduced by getting connected with your local wildlife and wild spaces.

buttercups and daisies

Connect with your Wild Side

This is the invitation that the Wildlife Trusts are making to everyone this June. They want you to do something wild every day of the month.