News: My Wild Garden



Mining for Moles. Andy Slater, EcoRecord

Despite the recent news that a fifth of UKs wild mammals are at high risk of extinction, at least one is doing remarkably well – the mole is the second most numerous species, second only to the…


Mad as a March Hare? Eva Phillips, Comms Officer

With March upon us it seems a good time to focus on the Brown Hare, which has the sad accolade of being one of the most rapidly declining mammals in the UK. Two hundred years ago there were an…

Great spotted woodpecker

Focus on Woodpeckers. Eva Phillips, Comms Officer

If you listen closely, February is a great month to hear woodpeckers active in trees. There are more than 200 species of woodpeckers, though only 3 in the UK, (great spotted, lesser spotted and…


Robin - Fact and Folklore, Eva Phillips, Comms Officer

Robin, Erithacus rubecula is one of the most loved, and common, garden birds, so loved it was voted Britains favourite bird in 1960 and chosen by a vote of bird lovers as our national bird in 2015…