Magnificent Meadows
Whether it is a blaze of sunshine yellow from meadow buttercups, the whirr of passing bees or beautifully patterned columns of orchids rising from the floor – wildflower meadows are awash with colour and sound! Tragically, 97% of the meadows we had in the 1930s have been lost - which is a big problem for biodiversity and our insect populations!
We have worked with partners to create over 100 new meadows in parks, informal green spaces and nature reserves across Birmingham and the Black Country! Our wildflower meadows provide a wild haven for hundreds of different species and play a critical role in our approach to helping nature’s recovery.
Did you know one square metre of meadow can contain up to 40 species!
Take a look at some of the meadows we’ve created on this interactive map.
"How does the meadow flower its bloom unfold? Because the lovely little flower is free down to its root, and in that freedom bold." - William Wordsworth