Freshwater Invertebrate Network

Building a Network of Community Freshwater Invertebrate Recorders

The Freshwater Invertebrate Network (FIN) helps community groups take care of their local streams by training local volunteers to continually assess the health of the water through a biological monitoring programme.

A network of freshwater recording champions are provided with the skills and confidence to enable them to record and monitor the water bodies in their local area. Together we are working to enhance the quality of water habitats in public open spaces, for the benefit of both for people and wildlife.

This initiative is a collaboration with the Environment Agency and the local community and is part of the Nature Improvement Area. To find your nearest group or for more information about FIN please visit our website

Community Freshwater invertebrate Network recorders being trained at Woodgate Valley

Credit: @WTBBC

93 volunteers ()
930 volunteer hours ()
26 pollution incident reports investigated ()
600 records generated ()