Take part in our 2025 SpawnWatch survey and let us know if you spot frog or toad spawn in ponds across Birmingham and the Black Country.
The records you provide will help EcoRecord to keep our information up-to date and improve our knowledge of the distribution and breeding sites of these key species - so we can better protect them.
As well as where frogs and toads are breeding we also want to find out when spawn is laid as well as how much.

February is normally the time of year that frogs begin to breed and lay spawn. Last year our earliest frog spawn record was the 11th February so now is the time to start checking your garden or local park ponds!
Toads tend to lay their spawn slightly later, and often chose larger ponds and lakes.
Garden ponds can be one of the most important ways in which you can help wildlife, especially in urban areas.
Frogs and Toads rely on the presence of suitable ponds in which to breed and in urban areas garden ponds can be really important in providing that habitat.
Frog and Toad spawn looks very different. Frog spawn is laid in clumps and Toad spawn is laid in strings (often attached to vegetation).

Please let us know where and when you have seen frog and toad spawn so we can map populations and monitor them in future.
You can submit your records and spawn photos using our online survey form here:
SpawnWatch is run as a collaboration between EcoRecord; The Wildlife Trust for Birmingham and the Black Country; and The Birmingham and Black Country Amphibian and Reptile Group.