Gift Membership

Flower mix

Give the Gift of Wildlife

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Give a gift that will last the whole year and beyond!

This Mother’s Day, why not try a Gift with a Difference? Gift Membership of Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust will open up a year of wildlife adventures right here in Birmingham and the Black Country, as well as the ever-lasting gift of garden wildlife through simple-to-grow wildflower seeds. You can give your mum the following:

  • Special Mother’s Day Membership Certificate
  • 3 Full colour magazines throughout the year
  • A membership card for free entry to paid-for Wildlife Trust reserves around the UK
  • Easy to grow wildflower seeds to encourage bees and butterflies to the garden, and a full-colour leaflet with details of each plant included

A gift membership starts from just £3.50 per month, or £42.00 for the year.

Click here to give the gift of wildlife

* Purchase to be completed by 23:59 18/03/2025. Orders received after this may not arrive in time.

Family of foxes

Good for you, Good for Wildlife

Your gift isn't only good for your recipient, it's good for wildlife too!

From landscape-scale conservation to protecting wild spaces, making meadows, restoring rivers and engaging people with the wild world around them, we've been working for nature's recovery across Birmingham and the Black Country for over 40 years! With your support, we can do so long into the future.

Interested in joining for yourself or your family? Click here to discover all of our membership options.