40-Year Appeal
1980 was an epic year. John Lennon was assassinated, Post-It notes went on sale and Pac-Man was played around the country.
For us, 1980 was an epic year for an entirely different reason. It was the year Chris Baines, Joy Fifer and Peter Shirley revolutionised the way people thought about nature on our doorsteps, in our towns and cities.
It began with the memorable 'Save our Bog' campaign. The rallying cries of local people who passionately wanted to save Moseley Bog from a housing development led to the birth of the Urban Wildlife Group and subsequently the first ‘urban’ Wildlife Trust in the UK.
As Peter Shirley said...
“Whether our economic situation is good or bad, there is never any money for anything, but there is always money for something”
We need your help more than ever to secure another 40 years of wildlife.
And this is why....
In 2030, the UK's urban areas will become home to 90% of the population. As your Trust, it is our role, privilege and mission to continue being a strong voice for all urban spaces across Birmingham, Dudley, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton. A donation from you today will help us continue our pro-active awareness campaigns, advocacy and educational programmes.
“We'll never be a bunch of green ink writing lunatics”
Forty years ago, this was the cry of Chris Baines, our first-ever elected Chair. He was determined that our newly formed Trust would be heard, seen and noticed in all the right places. With loyal supporters, he created a powerful organisation that revolutionised traditional approaches to nature conservation using creative thinking and a different approach. Today, the Trust continues to bring pressing wildlife issues into the public domain. We take action to protect, conserve and enhance any urban space that is wild, green and threatened. We no longer believe that wildlife is only to be enjoyed by rural communities.
Our policies, principles and enduring mission is shaped by you and the collective spirit of our local community. Together we can ensure our regions’ green spaces are rich and full of urban nature for all of us to enjoy. Not just today but also for generations to come.
Donate today so we can secure another forty years of protecting urban wildlife.
We appreciate your something, no matter how big or small it may be.