My project
Craig gives up his time volunteering in the Bluebell Community Garden. Transforming the garden into a positive space for local people to enjoy, Craig has felt himself become relaxed and happier,…
Fundraising for Reptile Project at Dawberry Fields
We are working in partnership with the Naturally Birmingham Future Parks Accelerator Programme and the local community to fundraise for the Dawberry Fields Reptile Project.
Milking Bank Plantations Project
The plantations had not been managed since being planted and were often dense and dominated by thin tall trees. The field-layer ranged from very sparse in the denser areas to being dominated by nettle and bramble
Dawberry Fields Reptile Project is go!
We'll be creating habitat for slow worms and common lizards to thrive at Dawberry Fields.
Love Your River Stour project awarded £249,700
£249,700 funding received from the government’s Green Recovery Challenge Fund for our Love Your River Stour Project.
Re-naturalising the Smestow Brook
Growing Local Flora
In 2013, the Wildlife Trust began ‘Growing Local Flora’, a project whose aim is to produce a large amount of local provenance woodland plants and supply them free of charge to partners of the Birmingham and Black Country Nature Improvement Area (NIA) who are who are undertaking Woodland Delivery Theme projects.
Natural Prospects
If you are looking to start your conservation career in Birmingham or the Black Country, you could be eligible for Natural Prospects.
Red squirrel
Red squirrels are native to the UK but are a lot rarer than their grey cousins. They live in a few special places across the UK thanks to reintroduction projects.
Goal 1 - Space for nature is protected, restored, created & valued
Dudley Mayor’s Charity Appeal raises £11,965.25 to protect local wildlife!
In our Spring 2020 member magazine we interviewed The Mayor of Dudley, Councillor David Stanley about his passion for wildlife and why he had chosen the Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust…